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Abstract submission

March 24, 2023, at 23.59 hours (EET)

Reviewers area

Evaluation commission only.

Abstract submission guidelines

Deadline for submission through the Submission Website: February 28, 2022, at 23.59 hours (EET). You should only submit an abstract if you intend to attend the congress (possible to attend on-line). If your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, you must register for the conference. The organizers reserve the right to remove from publication any abstract whose author does not register within two weeks of receipt of the acceptance letter.

All abstracts received by the indicated deadline will be evaluated by a panel of experts. The submitting author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral presentation or a notice of rejection by email by the end of March 2022.

Abstract submission guidelines

  • Language: Abstracts should be written in English.
  • Abstract title: The title (including spaces) should not exceed 200 characters and should be written in sentence case. Please do not type a full stop (.) at the end of the title.
  • Abstract text: The abstract should not exceed 2000 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The abstract title is included in the overall character count. The abstract must be structured in the following five specified subtitles:

1. Introduction – short information that introduces the background of the research and illustrates its scientific problem;

2. Aim – a short description of what you wished to accomplish;

3. Methods – a description of methods and materials used in the research, including the type of study;

4. Results – a description of the obtained results;

5. Conclusions – a summary of your research and answers to the objectives.

  • Registration of authors: Names, titles, institutional affiliations, cities, countries, and email addresses of all contributing authors should be provided. The presenting author (not necessarily the first author) should be identified.
  • Only abstracts not previously published will be accepted.